Sunday, November 4, 2012

Stitching, Stitching, Stitching.

There was a "Topflappen" challenge at the Redwork group I go to. Topflappen means "pot holder" in German. I wanted to design my stitching with a touch of vintage feel, so I did swirl pattern, and found a font has a little bit vintage-ish. I love the way it came out. Now I need to make a pair to go with!

I bought this "sashiko" kit in Japan a few years ago. ("sashiko" is a decorative reinforcement stitching from Japan.) The stitching & design is simple, so I thought I can make it in no time. Wrong was I!! It's so simple that actually boring me to keep it going. It took me forever to finish it. I have a few more sashiko kits I bought at the same time. (Thinking sashiko would be quick projects!) I need to work on them too...somedays.

There's a cute cross stitch store in old St. Charles. I found this pattern last year around Halloween time. I'd only made one cross stitch at that time, so I thought that pattern and the size was way out of my league. Since then I made a couple of cross stitch, so I decided to try this pattern. The finish size is about 9"x16". My goal is finish it by next Halloween since it's gigantic!


  1. Hi Yuko! Your Topflappen is gorgeous! Well done! Love your sashiko as well. Great work! I would love to learn sashiko. Cute cross stitch! You are a busy lady. Keep up the good work.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!

  2. Thank you, Miss Nancy! Today, I'm going to pick up the Christmas cross stitch pattern I ordered from the same shop. I'll definitely keep myself busy stitching ;)

  3. Love your sashiko! It looks so difficult, but of course to someone like me who isn't very good at embroidery, it would be!

    1.  Thank you, Kelly! Sashiko is REALLY easy. I heard you can buy Sashiko supply at Quilted Fox in St. Louis if you'd like to try one ;)
